Anxiety Medication Names

Anxiety Medication Names information
Anxiety is a natural emotion. It could be described as a reaction or response that is present in the body even when the damage or problem has not happened, but it is anticipated or assumed that it may exist. We have talked about anxiety in this article (link to “anxiety”) and, if you have not read it, we recommend that you read it (even if it is quickly) so that you know what exactly we are talking about. If you already know everything you need about anxiety, then go ahead, we will delve together into the world of medications that treat it … which, as you will see, are not few.

Medication for anxiety can accompany a series of treatments that require more time to act, such as certain relaxation techniques or a psychological treatment. If you feel very bad, it is possible to start first with medication to control the picture and then, with the symptoms under control, therapy is started. In any case, the medication for anxiety should be prescribed by a doctor, since a medical follow-up is necessary to evaluate the positive effects achieved and to monitor the adverse effects that may appear.

Anxiety Medication Names list, that are used for anxiety we find:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. SSRIs are antidepressants that help with anxiety symptoms and mitigate the picture of depression that can sometimes accompany anxiety. They act by allowing a neurotransmitter called serotonin to be free to act between neurons, changing the neuronal response to a nerve stimulus. In this family we find citalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine or sertraline. They take several weeks to act, and they cannot be abandoned suddenly due to the risk of discomfort for the patient. Among its possible adverse effects we find blurred vision, fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth, changes in body weight, erection problems, less sexual desire, problems falling asleep and, in some cases, suicidal thoughts may appear.
  • Selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. With these drugs there are two neurotransmitters that are free to act, serotonin and norepinephrine. This group includes venlafaxine and duloxetine. Its adverse effects are similar to those of SSRIs, but those related to noradrenaline are added, such as increased blood pressure or body sweating.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants. They were among the first antidepressants to be synthesized. The name originates from the three fused cycles that appear in its chemical structure. Among them we find amitriptyline, nortriptyline or imipramine. Their side effects can be annoying and more frequent than in other groups of drugs. These include dry mouth, drowsiness, urinary retention, constipation, erection problems, sweating, blurred vision and more, so it is understandable that they have been unseated by SSRIs. They are used in those patients in whom the above groups of drugs do not bring any improvement
  • Benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are used for short periods of time to provide relief from anxiety symptoms, while antidepressants have no effect or as a “rescue” from an anxiety attack that may appear. They are powerful relaxants and in cases of sudden onset anxiety, fast-acting and short-acting benzodiazepines are used, while others with a more sustained action over time are used to facilitate sleep. They are addictive and habit-forming drugs, so their use is highly controlled. A box of benzodiazepines is dispensed only with the corresponding prescription, which if it is paper is always in the custody of the pharmacy. In this group we find alprazolam, chlordiazepoxide or lorazepam.
  • Beta-blockers. Beta-blockers are drugs that act on the circulatory system and are classically used for hypertension or heart problems, but they also serve to control palpitations and hand tremors that sometimes appear in anxiety attacks. The most classic beta-blocker for this use is propranolol. Among its adverse effects we find symptoms related to cardiovascular control: cold hands and feet, low blood pressure, tiredness, sleep problems, shortness of breath and even depression due to the “low” they cause.

And even if all these do not work at all well, there are still buspirone, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, some antiepileptics such as pregabalin … there are options, the important thing is that you start with the treatment they prescribe and take it as prescribed to see if it really works or not. The maximum effect of antidepressants may take a few weeks to appear, so it’s important not to stop taking the medication without talking to your doctor.

Natural Anxiety Medication Names, for anxiety
Natural anxiety medication can be very useful in transient cases of adaptive anxiety, or even as a supplement to the usual medication in a patient with a generalized anxiety disorder. Among the medicinal plants most used to calm anxiety symptoms we find:

  • California poppy (Eschscholzia californica Cham.): not to be confused with the “dried” poppy, which is the plant from which opium is extracted. The florid sum of California poppy is rich in alkaloids that give it properties such as sedative, anxiolytic and antispasmodic. It can be used to relieve anxiety, to help fall asleep, and even for headache and sensitivity to weather changes.
  • Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.): the leaf, flower and fruit of hawthorn have shown activity on the heart muscle cells and tranquilizing activity, so it is a good option for people in whom anxiety appears with the feeling that the heart beats stronger or faster. Of course, it is important to make sure before using this plant that there are no other heart problems.
  • Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata L.): the passion flower has anxiolytic, tranquilizing and spasmolytic activity. It goes very well in cases of restlessness, restlessness and difficulty falling asleep, and its anxiolytic activity has been validated in more than one clinical study.
  • Hops (Humulus lupulus): The hop flower (the same one that adds flavor to beer) has traditionally been used as a tranquilizer, to relieve symptoms of mental stress and to facilitate sleep.
  • Lemon balm (Melisa officinalis): Lemon balm is very useful, as it allows to relieve the symptoms of mental stress, facilitate sleep, and relieve mild digestive disorders. It is a very good option for people in whom stress causes digestive problems.
  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.): Valerian root is one of the most well-known drugs as a sedative and sleep inducer. It has a rather unpleasant characteristic smell and taste, so many people prefer it in capsules instead of alcoholic infusion or tincture.
  • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.): Lavender contains an essential oil with sedative and anxiolytic activity. It is useful in cases of exhaustion, agitation, insomnia, and helps to better tolerate situations that cause anxiety.
  • Bitter orange tree (Citrus x aurantium L.): provides essential oil of orange blossom and bitter orange peel. In addition to the classic use as confectionery perfumes, both oils are soothing, hypnotic, improve sleep time and relax muscles.
  • Linden (Tilia sp): another classic. Who has never said “I take a lime tree to relax a little”? The linden inflorescence can be used as a mild tranquilizer, usually in infusion. It can be used on adults and children from 4 years old.

There are many options: choosing one or the other will depend on your symptoms, your general state of health, how allergic you are to certain plants or what other medication you are taking.

And which of all these anxiety medication names will do better for me?

Finding the medication that works well for each anxiety disorder can be a laborious process, since each person is different. For example, perhaps a single girl does not mind that her libido decreases and accepts a citalopram treatment well, but a guy with a stable partner fixing his anxiety at the cost of losing his ability to maintain an erection may seem unacceptable to him. The psychiatrist and the attending physician will help to control the symptoms of anxiety, improvement with medication and control of adverse effects. The important thing is not to be disappointed when a medication is not going well at all; it is something that happens frequently, and by communicating what you feel to the doctor who has prescribed the medication, the necessary adjustments can be made so that you get better soon.

Anxiety Medication Names: Some common mistakes with these drugs

Three things are important that you should keep in mind.
Do not neglect non-pharmacological treatment even if medication helps you, since medications relieve symptoms but do not help you to “arm yourself from the inside” to better face the situations that cause you anxiety.
Do not abandon the medication as soon as you notice a certain improvement, as it is easy to relapse into symptoms when the medication is abandoned. Quitting medication is a delicate process that must be done little by little, and when you check with your doctor and psychologist that it is the right time.
Do not combine synthetic and plant medicines without discussing it with a professional. Adding medicinal plants to the usual medication can enhance the effects of both, causing drowsiness, lethargy and decreased reflexes. Here too, once again, you can count on the support of your trusted pharmacist to know more about your medications and how to take them properly.

Anxiety Medication Names: Anxiety Attack Symptoms, Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Symptoms, combat all the problems and signs of anxiety, asking always to the Doctors to better help
Anxiety Medication Names: Anxiety Attack Symptoms, Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Symptoms, combat all the problems and signs of anxiety, asking always to the Doctors to better help.

See here more information about Anxiety Medication Names from wikipedia and also from Healthy Place list of Anxiety Medication Names